3 Ways to Change Your Money Mindset And Attract More Abundance



Money can flow to you in beautiful ways.


If you're like me, you've probably struggled with money in one way or another. Maybe this has been a lifelong struggle that's plagued your family for generations, or maybe it's just happened recently due to poor choices and bad luck. Either way, I know how difficult it can be to change your mindset about money and attract more abundance into your life. But it doesn't have to be so hard! Here are some simple steps you can take right now to change your attitude toward money.

Your money mindset is how you perceive, think, and feel about money.

Your money mindset is how you perceive, think, and feel about money. It's the lens through which you see the world and your place in it.

Your beliefs about money are based on what you've learned from past experiences or perhaps even a few specific events or situations. Your thoughts about wealth may have been formed when someone close to you was struggling with debt or financial hardship; maybe they were really stressed out because of a lack of cash flow or job security at home that affected their health and happiness - maybe even their marriage!

These examples illustrate how our beliefs are often formed by external influences rather than internal truths — meaning they're not necessarily true at all! In fact, there are many ways we could change our mindsets around money to attract more abundance into our lives.


If you want to attract more abundance, changing how you think about money is essential.

You may have heard that mindset is everything, but what does that mean?

It means that your thoughts and feelings about money affect how much it flows into your life. If you're constantly worrying about not having enough or feeling like there's never enough for all the things that matter most to you, then this will create a self-fulfilling prophecy — the Universe will send less than what would be ideal because those thoughts are creating an energy field around yourself that says "I don't deserve abundance."

On the other hand, instead of constantly worrying about whether or not there will ever be enough money in the future (or even right now), focus on being grateful for all the things going well in your life right now — and why they matter so much! This shift in perspective will also help change how others perceive us.

This doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to want more from your situation or feel crappy about it sometimes. In those moments, it’s important to return to gratitude or simply feel what you feel but also recognize this is temporary. How can you move toward the reality you prefer regarding your abundance?

You must also be aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs about money already in your head. For example, if someone has told themselves that they don't deserve financial abundance because they haven't worked hard enough or made bad decisions in their past, this belief can prevent them from attracting more abundance into their lives.

Similarly, if someone believes that wealthy people are greedy and selfish (or whatever other stereotypes may exist about rich people), then this will also prevent them from attracting wealth because those beliefs make it difficult for them to feel good about receiving large sums from others or through hard work.

Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of everything that is going well and release negative thoughts about your finances.

Write down the things you are grateful for, such as:

  • Your health or healing journey

  • Your family and friends, or community in general

  • The ways in which you’re provided for

  • The things that make you smile

  • The good foods you’ve enjoyed this week

  • Or anything else!

Limit interactions or cut off toxic people in your life who don't support your dreams or goals, especially those with a negative view of money or financial success.

When it comes to attracting more money, the first step is eliminating toxic people who don't support your dreams or goals. This may be a difficult task, but it's important if you want to change your money mindset and attract abundance into your life. This is also quite a privileged view because sometimes we need those people for support. In that case, ask how you can possibly limit interacting with them or talking to them about money, your goals, or your dreams.

Toxic people are a drain on your energy and motivation. They often have negative views about money, financial success, and the world's workings. They won't help bring about positive change because their own negative beliefs prevent them from seeing beyond what they have been told by society or family members over time (and sometimes even from childhood).

Avoid going over your budget or spending more than you earn by setting realistic spending limits based on how much you earn each month.

Set a budget. Your first step in changing your money mindset is to set realistic spending limits based on how much you earn each month and what services you need from others (like babysitters or cleaners). Don't try to keep up with the Joneses; this is about being able to afford all those little extras that improve life!


If you want to attract more abundance, changing how you think about money is essential. Your money mindset can either attract or repel abundance, so if you want more of what makes life worth living — like freedom from debt, financial independence, and retirement savings — it's time to start thinking differently.


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