5 Ways To Practice Self-Care



Take time out to take care of yourself.


If you're not caring for yourself, you're doing your body and mind a disservice. When I'm stressed out or busy with life, I often forget to do the things that help me feel better. As a result, my body gets tired more easily, and my mental health suffers. But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way! It's possible to practice self-care even when life is stressful or chaotic.

So how do we incorporate self-care into our daily lives?

Take a break from technology.

Take a short break from technology — maybe this is 30 minutes, or maybe you decide to take a longer break from certain apps or types of technology. During this time, try:

  • Not checking your phone, email, or social media.

  • Not watching TV, playing video games, or playing computer games.

  • Not talking on the phone unless it's an emergency.


Take a bath or shower.

Taking a bath or shower is one of the most basic self-care activities. It's also one of the easiest ways to relax, especially if you do it right! Here are some tips for making sure that your baths are as relaxing as possible:

  • Ensure enough water is in the tub to cover your entire body (or at least up to your neck). You'll want enough room so that when you lie down and submerge yourself, everything is covered by at least an inch or two of water.

  • Try turning off any music while bathing — just let yourself enjoy the sound of running water instead! If this isn't possible or you prefer music, try playing some gentle music instead — it will still help calm nerves without distraction.

Get in touch with your senses.

When you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it can be easy to forget that there are things in the world that don't have anything to do with work or your problems. Just as important as taking care of yourself is remembering how much there is out there worth appreciating! Try engaging all five of your senses: smell something (a flower or your fave perfume), see something (the clouds), hear something (the birds singing or your fave song), taste something (some delish ice cream), and touch something (the fur on your dog).

Create a self-care ritual.

A self-care ritual is a series of steps you regularly take to ensure that your needs are met, both physically and mentally. It can be as simple as taking the time each morning to move your body or drink water with lemon before work, or it could involve something more elaborate like going out for dinner with friends once per week and talking about anything things you’re loving that week. This ritual should make sense for your life, fit your schedule without disrupting it too much, and help keep things from feeling overwhelming when life gets busy.

Exercise, even if it's just a walk around the block.

You don't have to run ten miles or lift at the gym — just walking around the block can be an effective exercise. When walking, focus on your breathing and how it feels as you inhale and exhale. Notice how each step affects your body: does one side of your chest feel heavier than the other? Is there tension in any part of your body? By paying attention like this during exercise, we can become aware of our bodies in ways that may help us later when we are under stress or experiencing other emotions.

You might also try taking up yoga or tai chi — these practices emphasize mindfulness through movement; they're great for improving flexibility and strength while helping relieve stress at home!

Don't forget to take care of yourself!

Taking care of yourself is important, and while it's not always easy, it is necessary for your health and well-being. When we're stressed out, tired, or feeling down, we tend to forget this fact — and that can lead to serious problems in the long run.

There are many different ways that we can practice taking care of ourselves, like getting enough sleep every night; exercising regularly; eating well (or at least trying); meditating or practicing yoga; journaling; spending time with friends and family members who make us happy;...the list goes on! But no matter what form it takes for you personally, the most important thing about self-care is making sure that you're doing it consistently over time so as not just to treat symptoms but also address root causes of stressors in your life like relationship issues or work strain.


There are many ways to practice self-care, but the most important thing is to do it! You can start small with something small; the more often you do these things, the more they will become habits that improve your life.


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